Other technical facilities
Through this section, users can be referred to other expert facilities beyond the CLEAN Helpdesk's core areas of expertise. These facilities offer targeted support in areas like climate adaptation, health risks related to climate change, and more.
UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT)
UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT) is a £340m technical assistance programme, funded by the UK’s International Climate Finance (ICF). UK PACT supports select ODA-eligible countries with high mitigation potential to increase their climate ambition and implement that ambition more rapidly, more effectively, and more equitably. UK PACT delivers impact through a combination of funding longer-term capacity-building projects and the rapid mobilisation of expertise, through ten bilateral Country Programmes and two regional funds.
SPARC (Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises)
SPARC has a significant demand-responsive component, offering operational advice to address evidence gaps on the effectiveness of interventions that support the resilience of agricultural, pastoral and transitional livelihoods in protracted and recurrent crises in the drylands of the Sahel and the Middle East. The programme’s approach uses a process of scoping, summarising, tailoring and disseminating lessons from existing initiatives to support better development practice and evidence-based decision making in policy and programming.
Social Protection Technical Assistance, Advice, and Resources Facility (STAAR)
The Social Protection Technical Assistance, Advice, and Resources Facility (STAAR) is a joint initiative of the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth, & Development Office (FCDO)’s Better Assistance in Crises (BASIC) and Gender-Responsive Social Protection (GSP) programmes. The project is dedicated to expanding and improving the effectiveness of investments in both gender-responsive social protection and social protection approaches in crises, including those driven by climate change and extreme weather events. In its final year of operation, STAAR is focussing on supporting the uptake and use of assistance already or currently being provided. We will continue to publish insights, outputs and syntheses from our work - so do follow our LinkedIn and publications page on Socialprotection.org to access these.